Why is it that States have decided that they do not have to be fiscally responsible for their own budgets anymore? I can tell you why...because the 2008 bail-out mania that we have experienced has given them a big pot of money that they can dig their hands in to and not have to worry about being responsible. I'm telling you if we do not get back to being responsible for ourselves, we will be giving up every freedom or right we have left...and that is exactly what is on top of the left wing agenda. We are seeing the left wing machine in overdrive and cruising, unimpeded down the fascist road to ruin. They have not even begun to receive funds to support the $850 billion bail-out, and they're looking to slap us with another almost $1 trillion bailout for states infrastructure and pet projects all over the Country. So people of Minnesota will be paying for new sewer systems in Akron Ohio, and people in Los Angeles will be paying for new park trails and roads in upstate New York. It's bad enough that 41 of the 50 states are operating on deficits, but now it's every ones responsibility to bail them out? This is getting out of hand fast, and it stands to get worse before it gets better everyone! And in case some of you don't know by now, Iran funds and supplies Ha ma's and Hezbollah, the two terrorist organizations that surround Israel and threaten democracy in the Middle East. So how long do you think it will be before Israel strikes Iran and begins the destruction of Iran's Nuclear program? As some of you will remember, I predicted this months ago, even before Obama was selected our new President. I bring this up not to put myself on a pedestal, but rather to point out that if someone as simple and normal as me can see this coming, then what does that tell you about the rest of society who voted for Obama and believe he can stop it. The idea that anyone, to be fair to Obama, can sit down and through diplomatic conversation end a war that has been going on for centuries is absurd. Even more absurd is that half this countries population believe that Obama can do this, and are blind to the bitter truth. I am not all that certain, if you follow history, that this is not going to lead to WWIII. Russia is poised off the coast of California and Florida, and with the turmoil in the Middle East one thing is for sure! If something does happen, the United States can not afford to deploy troops to the Middle East while exposing our borders to the Russians, Cubans and Venezuelans, or risk an attack.
I have been hearing alot about farming subsidies going to people who are not even close to farmers, and that people making over 2.5 million dollars a year are recieving monies from this program. Now what I don't understand is the shock that people in the press are showing over this. This has been going on since before the Carter Administration, and even though President Bush tried to lower the financial requirements to $225,000, he was blocked from doing so by the Democratic Congress (shock shock). Listen this is just another program that buys votes for the Left, either directly or indirectly and is not much different than the money dumped in to the NEA (National Education Association). Now for those of you who think turning this Country around and getting rid of corruption in our lifetime, I have bad news for you...It's not going to happen!! But that doesn't mean we should stop laying the foundation for generations to come after us to be able to later on.
Ok, now that gas prices have lowered back to around $1.50 a gallon the government, as predicted, is complaining that it has lost millions in tax revenue from percentages gas tax revenue. So, as predicted, it is considering raising the gas taxes to try and recover these revenues. I predict that by this coming summer we will be at about $3 to $3.50 a gallon again, even though the price of oil is at about $45 a barrel, because the left wing fascists can't function without massive amounts of money to spend. They're like the most fiscally irresponsible person you know who has been appointed by force to take your money, then spend all of it on things that do absolutely nothing positive for you at all. But they would rather bury you and move on than to find a balance and just let success and prosperity increase the tax revenue for the Government. It's an immediate gratification society that has been created, and it surely has become the death of capitalism and free enterprise as we have known it for over 200 years.
Now with regards to the Senate race here in Minnesota I can't spend al ot of time elaborating on this because I have spent enough time on it in previous blogs. But I do remember telling all of you that the Left would figure out a way to steal the election for Franken, and as I had predicted the results are mysteriously turning in Frankens favor. Believe you me Coleman won that Election, but when you have a Leftist MN. Secretary of State, two leftists lawyers (as if there are any other kind...lol) and only two Representatives from the Coleman Camp. Listen people...the left have their claws deep in to our Country and they have never made any bones about the fact that they want to destroy Capitalism and make a Fascist/Socialistic style of Government. So to think they would not do whatever they could to secure as close to a 60 seat majority as they possibly can, without causing a revolution) then you should have your head examined.
For those of you who check my blog regularly and are constituents of SD48 in Minnesota I would like to inform you that we will be having a special meeting, after our regular meeting on the 8Th, to discuss our future plans to change the way we do things in our district. So hopefully you are at the full committee meeting on the 8Th, but if not we will do our best to get in touch with you about the meeting after the meeting.
God Bless America...and Happy New Year!!