As of Last week I am officially, according to Janet Napolitano, A domestic terrorist! This is somewhat confusing in this way...We no longer can refer to Osama Bin Laden or anyone of that persuasion as a terrorist, but we can print a report to be distributed to all law enforcement officials which calls Veterans, anti-abortionists, supporters of gun rights, and anyone who would publicly stand up against the Presidents policies as domestic terrorists. It isn't surprising in this manner...the new Fascist Regime, called the Obama administration, clearly is moving fast to seize control over the people of this Country to the point that it may be nearly impossible to reverse the trend. That's why they are passing legislation in record time, without allowing anyone to read the legislation and debate it. This is the clear and present danger that we have before us as a Nation now. More than ever it is imperative that we throw these political dolts out on their empty heads and replace them with people who respect our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I am providing a link to the DHS report at the end of this blog entry do that those of you who haven't seen it, will have a chance to read it's content.
Now I would like to say a few things about the mainstream press coverage of the tea parties that took place all around the lower 48 states on the 15Th of April. I have to preface my comments with this...the only thing that exceeds the left wings lack of integrity and honesty is their absolute arrogant stupidity. The idea that because regular mainstream Americans don't agree with the policies of the current administration and their huge tax and spend policies, that are bankrupting our children and grandchildren, that we are racist, redneck, tea-bagging radicals. Yet because Norm Coleman wants due process in his Senate race with Al Franken, his house is egged and defaced with threatening comments by a Franken Supporter. Yet that isn't something you will see on CNN or MSNBC. The left have always been a movement of double standards, and quite frankly if you disagree with their views, you should be shot and buried in their minds. Apparently now the CNN reporter that was so belligerent to a man and his 2 yr. old son on National TV, (which very few people saw initially!), has been granted a leave of absence from her job. The fact that FOX News, the only network to really cover the tea parties correctly, had more viewers that night than CNN, MSNBC, and 3 other networks combined; clearly states the sentiment in America today. I have said it before and I will say it again...the mainstream media is nothing more than a propaganda machine used to achieve the agenda of the political radical left, of which Obama is the leader of at present!
In conclusion I will say that in recent weeks I have received more thumbs up and clapping hands, in approval for the stickers I display on my pick up topper, than I have ever received in recent months. Even though the local law enforcement have probably put me on their local domestic terrorist list because of them. I have my American flag bug deflector with a bald eagle, as well as my support veterans license plates and I rarely get the bird thrown at me anymore, like I did last year during the campaigns before the election. I actually have noticed that most people who I run in to that supported Obama, are now embarrassed for their ignorance as to what they neglected to see in him before they voted for him. The exception to this would be the ones who are rabid in their support, simply because they are so arrogant they cannot admit they made a mistake.
God bless those who would save this Country!! Link to the DHS Report!