Sunday, December 28, 2008

Get ready, cause here it comes!!

I hate to say I told you so, but i told you As predicted, Israel is making it's military move against Ha'mas and believe me it will not be long before they strike Iran as well. But really is this a surprise to anyone who follows foreign affairs and pays attention? Apparently Obama is so tied up filling the cast of his upcoming 4 year theatrical display for the world, that he has forgotten there is another world beyond his own out there. You know it's funny, I played a game with Sheila and her girls last night called "Apples to Apples". Now for those who do not know about the game and how it is played let me explain. You have a green card with an adjective/adverb on it such as ridiculous and you have 7 red apple cards with nouns and pronouns that you have to choose which one in your hand best describes or goes with the green card. Anyway, in just about 60% of all the green cards played the young girls were playfully and verbally saying Obama...LOL. Words such as idiotic, uninformed, etc. were of the essence and I thought I would split my side laughing. I'm talking about children ages 5, 9 and 11 were saying this without being probed to do so, and it made me realize that all is not lost in the future of this Country and Freedom. It is rather hilarious to sit and watch Obama parade his chosen disciples on a weekly almost daily basis, and tell us all from the podium of the "Office of the President Elect". Honest to God it's like watching a VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) President act out as a rogue dictator as a young adult, like it's a game they are playing. I have never seen more posturing and acting out as I have with that ignoramus Obama. We all know that he and Rahm Emanuel are neck deep in the Blogojevich scandal, and that is the very reason it was exposed too early to really do anything to the man. It was all orchestrated by Obama and Emanuel so as to reduce the collateral damage to his disciples and himself.

I want to revisit something I talked about a few weeks ago now...The fact that I believe within the next couple years Obama will make political moves that will allow him to rewrite the Constitution and Bill of Rights to give him dictator like power. This will lead to him and the left officially ending Presidential elections in the United States of America. Also he will manipulate and work to have anyone in Congress and the Senate,that have any ideology other than centrist or left to far left values, eliminated from office and replaced with hand picked people of his choice. I believe he, and others on the left, have studied the operations and detailed agenda that helped Both Hitler and Mussolini rise to dictatorial power. It is so scary to read the details of history and relate them to our Countries current situation that I am quite fearful for the future.

Well I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and let's all get out there and work hard to get the conservative views and values heard around your city or town. Get involved and let's change this Countries direction back to the Free Enterprise, Capitalistic society that it was developed to be and should be again.

God Bless America!!

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