Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Well...I wonder how many of the people that read this blog, or listen to Rush Limbaugh or just watch the damn news, are convinced of what many called me a conspiracy theorist in the past for. It's no secret, and for some of us hasn't been for about 2 years now, that Barack Obama cares nothing about fixing the economy. He is arrogant and self elevating about the fact that he is the President and whatever he wants he will get, and anyone who doesn't like it can just go cry on their 1040ez Form. Here is a man who has not even come close to finishing his appointments to his cabinet, and he's running around the Country at the taxpayers expense doing town hall meetings with people who are hand placed like a good dictator would do. He's going on talk shows, Campaigning against Conservative values, instead of concentrating on his budget for the Nation. His budget contains language that would allow tax cheat Tim Geithner (the Federal Govt.) to take over any business that he feels isn't complying to the rules set forth in the oversight language in the bill. Now if that isn't the precipice of Socialism I don't know what is. This president is causing every child under 18 now, and yet to be born for 2 more generations, to be in debt by over $20,000.00 before they even are part of the workforce or even born for gods sake. His budget will increase the national debt by 10 Trillion dollars over 10 years, and that my friends is absolutely not sustainable, and here's why:

When you grow Government as much as he has and is planning on doing, you create public sector jobs which produces nothing towards the wealth of this Nation. If you continue to over tax small business, which is the backbone of a capitalistic society, you reduce private sector jobs which are the jobs that produce for the Nation and add to the overall GDP (Gross Domestic Product). When you create the public sector jobs you can tout in the next election that you created blank amount of jobs, and it sounds good to the average idiot, but does not inform them that these jobs are paid for by our tax dollars. In order to continue these jobs in the future, after the funding runs out, the government must tax us more! The only thing Government should be taxing us for is to protect us, whether in foreign zones or by actually protecting our borders, and to help keep our infrastructure solid and up to date. Not to socialize our society, and gain complete control over the citizens of this Country. Obama's indignant attitude towards the private sector is absolutely right in line with a community organizer and it's what they do! This is what a small percentage of people, who were informed before the election, knew before he was elected. Now we have a bunch of people scratching their heads, and asking themselves where the man, who was running for President on the premise of change we can believe in, is? And I say to you people he's on the Jay Lenno show, he's in Iowa doing a town hall meeting, he's on 60 minutes laughing in the face of the American people because he's raping them and he knows they can do nothing about it!

I can tell all you Conservatives this much...there is going to be another political revolution that the left will not recover from in most likely another 20 years or so. They are destroying themselves with their greed and indignant arrogance in spite of their so called, self appointed intelligence. In reality, they are simply stealing as much as they can before the bottom falls out, and they couldn't care less about the little guy, that they continually convince they are working for and duping them to vote for the left candidate. I have talked to a bunch of union employees who are coo arsed to vote for the left candidate, and who have been duped in to supporting a candidate that is doing nothing to help them. The unions love the left because they get preferred consideration on Government projects, and millions under the table, which goes to the union leaders and not to the backbone of the unions...the workers. The revolution is coming in 2010, and will throw, I hope, several Representatives in prison for the extortion of the American people. Representatives like Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Charley Rangel, tax ch eat Tim Geithner, Nancy Palosi, etc.

Since my last post I have been elected as my Senate Districts new Chair, and that responsibility I do not take lightly. The reason this posting is late is because of other priorities of that position, my job and my daughter taking up a lot of my free time. I will do my best to keep these postings coming each Sunday, but please be patient with me if they are a day or so late in the future!

God bless those who would save this Country!

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